Basic Filtering / Searching

Searching & filtering

By default, the Page List is filtered by "active" pages only (thus hiding archived pages), but you can easily change that, using the pre-made filters dropdown or any of the search fields.

filters bar highlighted

filters bar highlighted

The available filters are:

  • Active Pages
    • Shows all pages that are not marked as archived.
  • Archived Pages
    • Shows only pages that are marked as archived.
  • Favorites
    • Shows all pages the current user has marked as a favorite / starred.
  • No Filter
    • Shows all pages
  • Recently Viewed
    • Shows only the pages the current user has visited recently, which is defined as last 7 days.
  • Public Pages
    • Shows only the pages that are marked as public.
    • NOTE: this is only available on Jira Server / Data Center, and not Jira Cloud

The users dropdown allows you to filter pages by which user owns the page, and the labels dropdown allows filtering by labels applied to a page.

users dropdown expanded

labels dropdown expanded

The text search field performs a full-text search against the page content, and returns any page that contains a given search string. This includes the page title, body of the page, as well as any comments, but does not include attachments.


You can combine searches with filters. For example, you can search for pages with specific keywords, and then filter the result to only show the ones recently updated, or only favorite pages that contain your keywords.

To clear a search / filter, click the small "x" icon to clear the field.