Managing Page Attachments

Just like Jira issues, Wiki pages can have files attached to them.

Files can be embedded within the page as well as within comments, either as a link or as thumbnails (for images and videos).

To upload new files, or manage existing files, navigate to the Attachments screen, use the file icon in the page sidebar, or the same icon in the page toolbar.

Uploading Files

Attaching a file to a page is as simple clicking the upload button and selecting the files you want to upload, or dragging a file from your desktop into the designated upload area.

file upload

You will see a collapsed progress area that shows while files are being uploaded. Once done, the progress area disappears again

file progress area expanded


You cannot drag and drop and entire folder, but you can select multiple files to upload simultaneously.

Attachment List / Gallery

The Page attachments screen shows you all the files currently attached to the page.

You can switch between list view and gallery view by using the "view" toggle in the header

file list

gallery view

In list mode, page actions can be found in the 3-dots button at the end of a row, while in gallery mode, the 3-dots button is in the right upper corner.

actions dropdown list vs gallery

actions dropdown list vs gallery

Previewing and Downloading Files

To download a file, either click the name or using the actions menu, select the 'Download' action.

Clicking the name of an image file shows a file preview, which allows you to navigate left and right (using keyboard arrow keys) to show the previous/next image. To dismiss the file preview, either click the "X" icon, or hit the ESC key on your keyboaard.

file preview sample

Note: file previews only work for images. The preview functionality automatically skips over any non-images when trying to show previous/next.

Searching / Filtering / Pagination

If there are many files attached to a page, pagination will kick in, and show 10 files per page by default.

You can navigate to the other pages, or change how many files are shown per page using the pagination toolbar.

file pagination toolbar

You can also filter files by file type, file name, and user that uploaded the file.

file filters section with types expanded

File Versioning

On Jira Server / Data Center, uploaded Files are automatically versioned. So if you upload a file with the same name as another file already attached to the page, the existing file will be replaced with the new one. The old file remains attached to the page, and shows as grayed out. If you delete a newer version of a file, the older version will show up again.

file versions expanded

On Jira Cloud, file versioning does not exist yet. As such, if you upload a file with the same name as an existing file, the existing file is overwritten.

Deleting files

To delete a file, simply click on the trash icon next to the file.

file list with delete icon highlighted

file gallery with delete icon highlighted

and confirm the deletion in the confirmation dialog.

delete confirmation


Deleting a file is permanent, and cannot be undone. If you delete a page, all attached files are deleted along with it.